Monday, June 4, 2012

The power of Vision, Intuitive Voice is Strong

Spirit is strong within me today.  Someone asked me a question and I could feel my lower or ego self-sort of slip away- tingly- with the sensation of some great wisdom flowing through me.  In the past I would give away my “power” to say that what came through was “channeled” but now I realize that I am writing the words, it is my higher self, my over soul if you will.  I recognize that this is what we all have in common as we- all of us are this big giant mass of consciousness- and it is there, right there at our finger tips, guiding us gently- and when we begin to practice listening- and there are so many ways to do so, when we practice listening and acknowledging what we hear, feel, see, it gets stronger- our connection gets stronger and we begin to be carried into the flow of ALL THAT IS.  How beautiful is that?  How incredibly joyous and complete and serene?  If you have any questions you can email me and I will do my best to give you an answer, but you must be warned that it has been my experience that what I see and hear may not be what you want to hear, but I feel confident that when looked at honestly you will find truth.  

Below is a Question that someone posed- asking me to allow my higher self to answer.  I believe the answer is relevant to each and every one of us:

It is time for me to forgive myself for something that happened in my lifetime or a past one. I believe I broke a promise and I have carried this burden of guilt for many years. If you could give me some details about the situation as I believe it may have been something from a past life time with Christ. Also, some meditation, ritual I might do to cleanse myself of all the blame, guilt. I am so grateful for this service dear friend

Have you read A Course in Miracles?

Study this work if only one passage on the above page as you will find truth.  Forgiveness is an illusion- the Christ ed  Energy holds no bonds over anyone- there is nothing you could have done to cause yourself this pain.  You are truly loved and this must be known to the deepest of your core- you are infinitely everything- and no one thing can take that away from you. You must release this erroneous belief now.  Tap on your third eye and repeat  “I am hearing the love of All That Is”.  Tap on your sternum, “ I am good, I am loved”, “Everyone is good, everything is good”.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself “l love You” and say it until you are finished crying (because it will bring up tears of release) and make that part of your practice.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself “l forgive You” and say it until you are finished crying and make that part of your daily practice until you feel the truth of it. 

Jesus Christ was love and that is all- unconditional- any promise that you broke was with yourself and with yourself do you hold yourself in bondage.  It is time to rise up and be free.  Be free to be the most magnificent that you can be, be the loving, respectful, respected, caring, kind, courageous, wise, being living in integrity that you can be.

The details of past lives are just that, and if you want to rewrite them you have the ability to do so as time is an illusion.  Just use the imagination ability that you posses to create the world as you would like it to be. Go within and rewrite the scenario anyway you wish it to be and it will be so.  You, as we all are, are a creator, co-creators and that is all we are- pure consciousness creating an experience.  Use the incredible power of your creative mind to recreate and create that which you desire.

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