Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Operating instructions- 100% responsibility

 Write for 10 Min.

How to be a human when you are truly an infinite being
Imagine If you were born with instructions- each and every baby would emerge from his or her mother’s womb with a little tag on its toe that read:
Instructions for my care
1.       Love me with all of your heart
2.       Refer to me as the infinite being that I am
3.       Regard the huge ball of light that emanates from me- my energy system
4.       Read energy system instructions
5.       Remind me constantly that I am an infinite being and that I know all and am all that is as I am connected to the source that is ALL THAT IS
6.       Remind me to always ask for help, that I was given free will, but all I need do is ask and it will be given unto me
Surely life would be much simpler if we all had some instructions, but part of our journey is to re-member our truth, that indeed we are an expression of ALL THAT IS, or SOURCE or GOD if you will.
Having said that let us begin to unravel the mystery that is within us, that makes us so unique.  You , I am sure have heard of the great Bard- Will Shakespeare  and his famous poem
All the world is a stage
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,

This is not such a far-fetched idea.  If one were to view their life from this vantage point then they could direct the play in a much more pleasing manner.  Of course this would mean one would have to own one’s personal behavior, meaning all of the drama that one causes would have to be carefully scrutinized, a task which, if one is honest is much more difficult then it seems, because it would mean, dear friend that one would have to take full responsibility for everything that happened and happens in your life.  This is not a new concept, and certainly this is not the first essay to address any of these concepts.  This is a book that presents the information in another way.  Much like math is taught in many ways by many teachers, this is but one more way to present these ideas.
I know what you are thinking, “why on earth would I create such a dreadful situation in my life, with the suffering I must endure from ( you choose the drama that fits) cancer, abuse, lying, cheating and war, starvation….  The list is endless and because time is endless (though just a construct of man, therefore a projection onto consciousness) the drama could seemingly go on and on.
But we as a people, we who inhabit Earth and this collective consciousness that we are experiencing now, have an opportunity to stop the insanity now.  More and more people are coming to this realization, a consciousness is growing and evolving which has been growing and evolving t since the beginning (which poses another topic of discussion as time is just a creation of mind and therefore there is no beginning and no end).  Have I begun to scramble your mind yet?  I hope so because only then can you begin to allow for a new view of how things really are, the truth of who you are and the connection you have to everyone of your brothers and sisters- and yes that includes vegetation and rocks as well as trees.  We are all a beautiful collection of energy sparks that create everything that we feel, and envision.  We live in the ultimate game- the game of life, and we get to BE whatever it is that we want to BE.  And, as you will find as you continue to read this, that which you want to BE you already are.

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