Sunday, May 27, 2012

Steal like an Artist- tips for being proactively creative

Why I need to write 1st thing in the morning:
  If I don’t I am so easily distracted by everything!!!

Having said that, I read this great book today called “Steal like an Artist” by Austin Kleon.  It is a small book with a lot of good ideas for cultivating one’s creativity.  I found it to be delightfully inclusive, and I related to a lot of what he has to say. One point that makes me rethink how I approach things was regarding the internet.  I do not have a great presence  on the internet, especially shy on facebook, as I find it a huge sink hole of time. But I recognize  one of the truths that Austin (I hope he doesn’t mind if I call him by his first name, though we have not met) maintains; the internet holds the key to a huge world of like-minded folks, fellowship as he refers to it, especially if you live in a small town and are not that social, which is in fact, my plight.  I have a busy life, mother, artist and entrepreneur and I do value my time, I actually demand a bit of solitude, as Betty Davis would say, “I want to be alone”, in order to be ready to create as much as I do. But I like to share ideas and learn- another thing he felt was so important- to always be learning. Hear, hear!!!  I am all about learning new things.
In the book he also suggested that one keep a calendar so that you can check off the boxes daily as you commit yourself to a project- writing a page a day and in 365 you may have a novel or as Jerry Seinfeld used the system, whom Austin stole the idea, write a joke a day.  As you check the boxes every day, you create a chain and you don’t want to break the chain so you do the work.  Brilliant!!! For me it gave me an excuse to create a new notebook with graph paper so I can color in the boxes and get in my 10 minutes of daily writing!!!!
Now this book is one that needs to be read over a few times, and it goes along side “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfeild and Art and Fear by David Bayles, Ted Orland, both of which I need read again.

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